Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Six Pounds!

Sadie is six pounds, one ounce today! She's doing really well in the "gaining weight" department. She still needs to work on feeding but she's progressing quite well. She's being bottlefed pretty much every other feeding now. The problem with the "stuff" in her nose is probably reflux. Holding Sadie upright during and after feeding her has drastically reduced her number of desats. She's been off the low flow nasal cannula since early yesterday.

There are new pictures and videos from the past few days, uploaded for your viewing pleasure.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Almost Six Pounds

When Sadie was weighed last night she was 5 pounds, 15 ounces. I have no doubt she'll be six pounds sometime today. The physicians orders yesterday permitted Sadie to be bottle or breastfed every other feeding as tolerated. This means that it's the nurses decision to bottle or gavage her based on how she's doing. That's great, but still needs to learn how to eat her whole bottle. The last couple times she's gotten tired and quit at a little more than half her bottle. She'll need to drink every bottle, every feeding before she'll be able to come home.

The only other problem with Sadie is that she's producing a lot of "stuff" in her nose. She's been desatting a lot lately (the percent of oxygen in her blood is going below 88%). She'll sound congested and the nurse will suction out A LOT of stuff from her nose. After that, her oxygen saturation levels are good. It may be reflux or it may be a dry nose from having the CPAP and nasal cannula. We'll be talking to the nurse/doctor about this.

I updated the pictures so there are some new ones available.